Past projects 4
Building a Better Classroom
Funded Aug 24, 2023My students have been loving the new classroom systems for organization and seating! When we have free time or are working on a project that allows for choice of materials, students just go over to the materials shelf, grab a pencil basket, and fill it with the things they need. This has given them more independence and more responsibility in the art room which has definitely given them more confidence moving around the space. Thank you so much for contributing to this growth and supporting my students in the art room!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Troilo
Starting the Year off Prepared!
Funded Aug 24, 2022Thank you so much for helping me start the year off prepared! My students have been able to have class in a more prepared and stocked classroom, and I know they appreciate having a supply of pencils with erasers! During cleanup time, especially with the younger grades, the students are eager to grab a rag and wipe down the tables, and now they all have the opportunity. It is awesome to see them having so much fun with the rags and brooms, and a great way to reinforce our art room expectations and good studio habits! Thank you again for helping me supply these materials to my students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Troilo
Demonstration Supplies
Funded Dec 1, 2021The resources provided by this project have greatly improved the quality of instruction in my classroom! With the whiteboard and easel, we are able to write down important information as we go while still having resources and visuals on the main screen, which saves so much time and makes for smoother transitions. The board and magnets also have proven very helpful in displaying demonstrated work and in process examples for students to use as support when working. I greatly appreciate your contribution to this project!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Troilo
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Printing With the Sun!
Funded Sep 23, 2021The cyanotype materials have been so exciting for the students to work with! I was able to complete a project with second grade students and have started a project with 8th grade students using the cyanotype fabric. The second graders were so excited when I showed them how the fabric changes in the sun and even more when washed out. One class used black paper to make their own organic and geometric shapes to tape onto their fabric to block the sun during printing. The other class was able to start this project when it was warm enough to venture outside so we went out and collected things from nature to place down when printing. After this step, they all drew with washable markers on plastic, had their colors sprayed with water to bead up, and placed the fabric down to 'dye' the fabric. They loved seeing the colors bead up with the water and bleed into the fabric, the students just kept putting down colors again and again to watch the process. Our final step was to create own own shape stamps with foam and cardboard to print shapes with paint onto our fabric for another layer. Throughout this entire process, it was wonderful to see the students exploring and discovering different things they could do with this one piece of fabric while also learning about shapes and color!!
The 8th grade students were starting to learn about reflections, translations, and rotations in math class so I designed a project that involved them creating a pattern in one quadrant of a grid and reflecting it across the y, then x, then y again, one quadrant at a time, to create a symmetrical pattern. This was then transferred with marker to a transparency sheet which was used to print the pattern onto the cyanotype fabric. It was so great to see what kind of patterns the students came up with! The next step is going to be embroidering our fabric to embellish and emphasize different parts of their pattern and to learn basic sewing skills.
I am so thankful to have been given the resources to bring these projects to life with my students, and still have a few packs of fabric leftover to use in future lessons or with a future art club! Thank you so much for your contribution and for making this all possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Troilo
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.