Funded Nov 10, 2021First of all, thank you for your consideration and support. As soon as I shared the news with my students they all cheered and were excited, especially my Spanish speakers. I teach English Language Arts and the method of instruction that we teach is the Readers and Writers workshop, we are strongly advocating and pushing our students to read as much as they can in school, and at home. Students are read every day for 30 minutes at home. They also have the opportunity to share with their peers the kind of books they are reading through cooperative structures like Partner-Shares in which they recommend the books for others to read. This has helped increase students' interest in reading more each day.
The skills that students are developing as they read will help them develop decoding, fluency, and vocabulary skills. We are administering reading running records every two months to keep track of students' reading growth and I would like to share that we are seeing great improvements in students reading accuracy and fluency. Also, many students have moved up 2-3 reading levels. I'm amazed at students' growth and will continue to push them to make literacy a priority in their lives.
We have been focusing on character development for example, how internal and external pressures act on and change characters. There's a great emphasis on character traits and settings that are also the main key factors that act on characters. For my Spanish speakers to be able to develop these reading skills they will need to have enough books to read throughout the Readers workshop unit and I only count with fifteen Spanish books. Therefore, it is great news that they will finally be able to have different choices of books to choose from and read in school and at home, and the opportunity to analyze different characters from different books.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Najera Sanchez