Fill Our Tummies With Yummies!

Funded Dec 22, 2021

I would like to sincerely thank you for your generous donation to my students. Many of our students come from low income homes so this was truly a blessing. These snacks went a long way in making sure they had something to eat before going home. This also helped to take the pressure off of parents who were not always be able to donate.

The students were really excited to see the boxes that were coming in daily. They couldn't wait to open everything ! This even allowed me to create a new classroom job of snack manager. This student would hand out the snacks in the afternoon and he loved this job!

Students were given a drink and food during their recess time. They looked forward to it every day. Our students have healthy appetites so this helped to fill their little bellies. We were able to provide daily snacks for 20 students for a while. It is my sincere hope that you know that your donation made a difference in the lives of these precious students. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Benoit