Backpacks For Success!

Funded Dec 9, 2021

Every year, we have students who come to school with a broken, worn, or lost backpack. Their families simply cannot afford to buy a replacement. Many of our families are struggling with food insecurities or how they are going to pay rent so replacing school supplies is low on their list of priorities. That's where we come in. We try to help provide basic school supplies so students do not feel left out, embarrassed, and so they can be successful.

So far since receiving this donation, we have provided backpacks to several students. These students were excited to be able to choose from the donations and have some say in the backpack they chose. These students might otherwise have had to continue carrying a broken backpack or not have a backpack at all for the remainder of the school year.

Being able to remove this barrier for students does so much for their self-esteem. Knowing that they will have what they need to feel prepared at school helps students continue to be successful. We are also able to give families peace of mind knowing their children are provided for in times where the parents might not be able to. We are so very appreciative of the donations! Our main goals are to make sure students are safe, healthy, and have access to everything that contributes to their education and sometimes, it's as simple as a new backpack!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Holland