Mrs. Capetillo's Reading Cafe

Funded Sep 28, 2021

I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to my classroom. I have implemented a ten minute read aloud at the beginning of the period with the book you helped fund, "Restart" by Gordon Mormon. Before we begin reading, I ask students for a mini "Netflix Recap," in which they retell some of the details of the previous day's reading. Soon after, we begin reading in which most of my students follow along, my auditory listeners set the book aside but their eyes follow me as I walk around the classroom reading. While I read, I stop to ask questions about the characters, situations, or even ask students to make predictions. Sometimes, we laugh as a class, other times students relate their personal experiences with those we read in the book.

There is no work assigned to the book. However, students have imitated the author's writing style in their weekly writing assignments. We are reading for pleasure and to help with social-emotional learning. Considering the book is about an ex "bully," I am trying to bring awareness of what our actions and words can do to people. I also hope to plant a seed of literacy in all of my students. The chapter is written in first person perspective, however, every chapter is told by a different character. As a class, we have discussed the importance of listening to multiple perspectives before passing judgement on a person or situation.

I have noticed my students with "lower" test and reading scores enjoy and interact with the story the most. As a class, we pick apart the main character "Chase Ambrose," the notorious school bully, and we have concluded that he is "hurt," and as a result, "hurt people, hurt people." They can identify with the books telling of middle school culture and, unfortunately, their own experiences with bullying. We discuss these experiences in a positive and safe way. I constantly remind them of the mental and emotional support services available to them at school.

"Restart," has helped create a beautiful and nurturing classroom community in which my students feel safe and comfortable to share personal experiences. Thank you. Thank you for helping support my students in literacy, but also help nourish their spirits.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Capetillo