Past projects 15
Reenacting History!
Funded May 7, 2024We are so grateful that this project was funded. Our students were so excited to try on the colonial wigs and believe me, it was a sight to see. Unfortunately, we did not get to use the props for an assignment last year as it was the end of the year. However, we are eager to use the wigs and gavels this year in the Civics classes! I am hoping that it will lighten up the mood of civics lessons and get students more interested in the content. In addition, using the props will hopefully cool some of the nerves when we have group discussions.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Christmas Wish: New Supplies!
Funded Dec 31, 2023Thank you for donating to this project for our middle school classrooms! The students are so happy to have working headphones so they can listen to music while they work or watch educational videos on their Chromebooks. Also, believe it or not, our students are very into adequate hygiene after COVID-19 and are very appreciative of being able to have cleaning supplies available in the classroom. In addition, the pens have been a hit when given the opportunity to use another form of writing utensil other than a pencil. Lastly, our students are always thirsty so having a pitcher in the classroom has provided a lot of relief to them, especially since they have 5 flights of stairs to walk up after lunch.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and one other donor.Teaching Socio-Emotional Skills!
Funded Dec 13, 2023We are so appreciative of your donation to this socio-emotional project for our middle school students. Our middle school students's learning has been affected by the COVID-19 virtual learning they had to partake in during their year of 4th and 5th grade.
Students basically missed their whole year of 4th and 5th grade because they were learning from the comfort of their homes where they admitted they did not participate as much. In addition to this, cell phones have also impacted our students ability to make progress academically and socially. With the help of these sensory motor fidgets and interactive games, students have been able to help regain focus during class and participate in group activities that work on their social skills.
Thank you!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and 3 other donors.Classroom Materials and Furniture Wishlist
Funded Dec 4, 2023My co-teacher, students, and I cannot begin to thank you for your thoughtful contribution to our classroom. With our new projector, we are able to have a beautiful projection of topics we are learning about such as anti-federalist Patrick Henry in 8th grade and landscapes of Asia in 7th grade. Our new pencil sharpener has also been a hit. When one of the 7th graders first saw it he said, "Omg! This was just like the pencil sharpener one of my elementary school teachers had!" In addition, the clipboards have also made a beneficial impact on students who need to move around the classroom to do their work.
Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by The Allstate Foundation and 5 other donors.Snacks, Snacks, Snacks!
Funded Oct 12, 2023This donors choose project has been supplying our middle schoolers with snacks. Under the teacher's discretion, students are able to earn a reward for good behavior such as helping clean up the classroom when everyone else left it a mess. Students also have the opportunity to earn a snack after earning 20 points in class. Students can earn points throughout the class for being on time, participating, being on-task, and more. Students can also lose points for doing the opposite. We are thankful to have rewards as incentives to encourage wanted behaviors.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community & an Anonymous Partner and 4 other donors.Spring Essentials and Hygiene!
Funded May 26, 2023Thank you for providing us with heath products, a fan for hot days, and more jewelry making tools. All these materials helped us a lot at the end of the last school year! It was really hot in our classroom during May and June so the fan kept the students a little cooler while we were still in school. The health products such as pads, tampons, hair ties, and deodorant wipes are nice to have in the classroom when students need instead of seeking out the nurse. Since we are on the fifth floor and the nurse is on the first, having these items nearby gets them back to class sooner.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
Phone Charging Station and Classroom Decor
Funded May 8, 2023My students are so appreciative of the new phone charging station! Since I am in a different classroom every period, I keep it locked in a cabinet when I am not in my "main" room. I have 8th graders last period for ELA and they always politely ask me to bring it out at the beginning of the class. It has been great to see the students get off their phones that they have been on all day and plug them into the charging station. They have also been using the charging station to charge their air pods, which has helped with classroom management.
In addition, my co-teacher and I have started to set up the classroom decor items such as the lamp. It adds more characteristic to our classroom so thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors Corporation and 3 other donors.Reinforcing Diversity and Replenishing Supplies
Funded Jan 24, 2023Thank you so much for restocking our classroom! Our students look forward to our classroom raffle every Friday. Having the raffle tickets in jars is much more appealing than plastic baggies. The kids like to shake the jars up before we draw tickets. We also are very appreciative of the plastic pencil boxes and bins to help keep our classroom organized. We love to promote executive functioning skills here! Lastly, we are eager to put up our new pride flag on one of the classroom doors. We are waiting until Advisory door decoration is over to put it up.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
Classroom Essentials!
Funded Dec 24, 2022My students and I are so grateful for all the new resources we have. The most valued item right now is the zen garden. When they come into class, it is the first thing they ask me for. I am amazed at how students have been able to take turns using it as well. They allow others to use it when they are done and there have been no arguments. Other items students have been using frequently are the dry erase markers, chart markers, the vacuum, bandaids and letter board. When we use dry erase markers in class, students appreciate the option of having different colored markers to choose from. During free time, students have been decorating our room divider with the new chalk markers. We have some great artists in the class so the room divider really stands out now. In addition, students have advocated to use the vacuum when they had a mess to clean up. Our bandaids have come in use as well and we did not have to send students down to the nurse for a little cut. Lastly, students love helping choose a weekly message to display on our message board!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch
This classroom project was brought to life by Center for Disaster Philanthropy and 4 other donors.Old to New Materials!
Funded Dec 15, 2022As you may know, middle schoolers like to have to most up to date technology and fashion. Although a pencil sharpener is not glamorous, our students are now able to easily sharpen their pencils rather than have complications with our old one. Furthermore, our new space heater has brought relief to those students who run cold. Our view of Boston is spectacular, however, being in a corner room with windows for walls, our room can get quite cold in the winter. I am a firm believer that students work harder when they are comfortable. In addition to windows, we also have a lot of whiteboard space and student desks. Therefore, we are thankful to have more cleaning spray and share the wealth with our neighboring classrooms if needed. The addition of our new speaker has come in use for another teacher to borrow thus far and we can't wait to use it in our classroom for the next instructional video or movie we put on. Lastly, some students have gotten the chance to draw on our new room divider with the chalk markers. Once there is another down time and we have some drawers in the room, I'm sure the divider will come to life.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bieluch