Past projects 3
Basic Classroom Supplies
Funded Dec 23, 2022Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for contributing to our classroom supplies and resources. Throughout the winter months, we have not had to worry about running out of tissues! For the first time this school year, we were also able to use watercolor paint sets for projects related to our curriculum and in our art center.
Every time boxes arrive in our classroom, the children (and teachers!) feel like it is Christmas! We love to open up the boxes and explore the materials that have been so generously sent to us. Before this project was funded, children were actually having to go to the bathroom to get scratchy paper towels to wipe their noses. They are elated now to just go over to one of the many tissue boxes in the classroom and have access to meet their needs without missing what's going on in our learning environment. We've even been able to take tissues outside during recess!
While many of these supplies meet basic health and wellness needs, supplies like paint and glue have given us the freedom to explore art at our leisure. We are so grateful for all you have done for our classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hranowsky
Learning Comes to Life!
Funded Mar 15, 2022This project made an amazing impact on the children in my classroom! The children were able to access materials related to the learning content in a developmentally appropriate way. When boxes arrived in our classroom, it was truly like Christmas! We were all so excited to un-box all the materials sent to us. Our curriculum revolves around units of study, which asks for families to send in materials, but because we serve a population of families in poverty, asking for supplies from families is not a possibility. However, in order to make the learning as meaningful as possible, additional materials are always needed. I typically spend my own money to make this possible (which, on a teacher salary, doesn't go far!) so when I say your donations are life-changing, I mean it for me, my families, and the children in my classroom. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so sincerely.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hranowsky
Keep Our Youngest Scholars Safe!
Funded Sep 13, 2021Thank you so much for your generous gift to keep our youngest scholars safe during this unprecedented time. Our scholars were thrilled to see boxes arriving in the classroom, anxiously awaiting what was inside!
The snack packs were an instant hit with our children. Each day for snack time, we have a "snack bar" and display several options for children to choose from. Having a variety of snacks helps children to make good choices and they feel empowered to be able to make these types of choices. The snacks were healthy and pleasing to the children. Several of our scholars have anxiety surrounding food, so these individually wrapped snacks could be sent home as well, to share with siblings or to have later in the afternoon. This makes a huge impact on our children.
The cleaning supplies have relieved anxiety for both my assistant and me, as we clean and sanitize throughout the school day to keep our children safe. We were purchasing these supplies with our own money, as our district is no longer purchasing PPE for classrooms. While these items may seem insignificant, you truly supplied us with what we needed to be safe and healthy. Again, our sincerest thanks.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hranowsky