Past projects 1
Sit Spots that Kids Can't Wait to Use!
Funded Sep 14, 2021
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Green Lake Dragons love their library time because they can sit in a calm environment as they devour their favorite books! In the past, students enjoyed reading on cozy couches. Covid safety guidelines, however, require that students must sit 3 feet apart making our couches an unsafe place to sit. Liquid Floor Tiles can be appropriately spaced around the library to create safe and calming sit spots for students to enjoy. I have already purchased one Liquid Floor Tile already this year as a test spot and the students and staff all enjoy using it! Several students have said, "I wish we could have an entire floor of these!" Several of the staff asked me where they could purchase them for their classrooms as well. This Donor's Choose project would provide a class set of floor tiles that would be used by all classes in the school.