Past projects 58
Meeting Diverse Needs With Technology
Funded Jun 14, 2023Thank you for your generous donation and support. In education, curriculum, expectations, achievement standards, practices, our students' background knowledge, software updates/requirements, etc. are always changing and evolving. The dependence and daily use of technology to make input comprehensible to all learners to close the achievement gap and deliver engaging lessons has increased greatly in recent years.
Our old Apple MacBook did not hold a charge, was unable to access/support learning websites we use during instruction, would not stay connected to wifi, and was in need of an upgrade. Fortunately, you came to the rescue and allowed us to keep the learning going without skipping a beat. You answered the call, positively impacted the lives of my current and future students, and allowed me to put forth the best effort of which I am capable.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and 12 other donors.Staying Healthy Through Soccer
Funded Nov 30, 2022I want to thank all of you for your donations and belief in our youth's future. Although funding for organized sports seems to be fading in our educational system, these types of extracurricular activities teach foundational socialization and leadership skills that cannot be taught through text or in a classroom setting. The work ethic and desire to succeed on the field usually translates into more focus and dedication in the classroom and beyond.
To supplement our amazing physical education program, we have been using the equipment to teach basic technical skills and play small-sided games. As the students get older and more schools are able to form teams, we hope our league is reborn as well. If not, we'll still form a team and enter it at one of the local indoor sports arenas to make sure our students can represent their school on the field.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 4 other donors.Soccer Strength Training
Funded Apr 27, 2022Our new resources have elevated our supplemental physical education weekly exercises and the students' balance, strength, and form is improving. Whenever the students have a free moment, they enjoy doing a few reps and sets with the bands as if it were a game. They really enjoy the challenge and variety of the exercises.
When we first received the resources, the students had no idea what they were. Generally, this type of equipment is only used in competitive sports training or strength/agility specific sessions/programs. However, kids are always excited to learn something new. They adapted quickly, kept an open mind, and are really enjoying the equipment.
In the spring, we intend to take our training to the next level and hopefully, kickoff a spring soccer and training program for beginning to advanced athletes. The students really enjoy working out before school, being a part of an on campus club, and always make a lot of growth. Big time wins all around!!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 4 other donors.Just for Kicks: Soccer Goals
Funded Oct 4, 2021As health conditions have improved and protocols are loosened, I'm hoping we are able to utilize the SKLZ goals with more frequency to encourage our students to engage in outdoor activities within a team sport atmosphere. We really appreciate your generosity, and regardless of the circumstances, these amazing resources will be put to good use once team sports resume in full swing.
After such long break from sports, the students, families, and staff are excited to see our school soccer team resume training and compete in our co-ed district indoor soccer league in the coming school year. In addition, the benefit of just being active and around other teammates who share the same interest in soccer will make them feel like things are getting back to normal. With limited opportunities to compete other schools, we have been using the equipment as an incentive for great behavior, improved academic performance, and for those who show kindness and respect to one another on a daily basis. It's getting our heart rates up, and also filling our hearts with kindness.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by #TeachHealthy with Nature Made and 8 other donors.Soccer Training Continues
Funded Nov 6, 2020With our upcoming return to school, I'm hoping we are able to utilize the exercise mini-bands to encourage our students to engage in outdoor activities in some type of team sport atmosphere. We really appreciate your generosity, and regardless of the circumstances, we will find a way to keep our bodies moving. After such long break from sports, the mini-bands are a great way to wake up those muscles they may not have used in the past year. In addition, the benefit of just being active and around other teammates who share the same interest in soccer will make them feel like things are getting back to normal. What a fantastic way to finish this unprecedented school year!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 3 other donors.Distance Learning With a Document Camera
Funded Sep 9, 2020Distance learning presents many challenges that have required us to transform our ideas, prior knowledge, expectations, everyday interactions, and our home, work, and learning space. Prior to receiving the charging cables, ergonomic laptop stand, and other technological connection cables, there was a lot of fumbling, wasted transition time, and the quality of certain devices and images were degraded due to outdated accessories. The new resources have allowed us to navigate our day with more fluidity and maximize the time we have together online. We greatly appreciate your donations and more importantly, your support during this unprecedented time in education. You have truly provided scaffolds that have allowed us to maintain a sense of familiarity and comfort during our school day.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
Elevating Soccer Training
Funded Dec 15, 2019I want to thank you for your donations and belief in our youth's future. It's exciting that sports making their way into the elementary educational system. Sports teach foundational socialization and leadership skills that are essential to their development. In my experience, the work ethic and desire to succeed on the field always translates into more focus and dedication in the classroom as well. I always encourage my students to continue learning, growing, and improving their skills, so I decided to follow my own advice.
Two years ago, I took the leap and began coaching competitive soccer and have been incorporate those drills and techniques into our school's soccer program. We resurrected our soccer team and had a very successful season, including being the only team to tie (not lose to) the championship team. With our new trainings resources, our indoor soccer team is equipped and ready raise our training to the next level. When they first saw our new equipment, they began talking about what was possible, how many times/how long we should practice every week, and even started planning out drills. Next year, we will be more than prepared to face whatever challenges come our way thanks to your generosity and thoughtfulness.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 8 other donors.We're Back! Our Comeback Soccer Season
Funded Oct 5, 2019Thank you for the beautiful and professional looking soccer uniforms so we can look great while participating in our co-ed indoor soccer league! Although sports seem to be fading in our educational system, sports teach foundational socialization and leadership skills that cannot be taught through textbooks. The work ethic and desire to succeed on the field always translates into more focus and dedication in the classroom.
Sports seem insignificant to some and are often overshadowed by curriculum and test scores, but success on the field can be the catalyst that ignites a desire to make sound academic and behavioral decisions. Your ability to just "believe" in this cause is exactly what drives me to continue my 19 year mission to keep sports alive in education, especially at the elementary school level.
One of my players recently told me that they enjoy participating in sports because they just want "to belong" and fear "being left out." The friendships and trust in each other that are forged during the course of the season create life-long bonds that they will cherish forever. With that, I offer you my deepest gratitude, appreciation, and humble thanks. Through this experience, my players are learning the true meaning of giving and teamwork.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 15 other donors.Flexible Seating to Foster Learning
Funded May 13, 2019Thank you for your generosity and amazing wobble stools and seat cushions. At first glance, the students weren't sure what the stools and cushions would be used for or if they would even like them. That changed quickly. Although most young children enjoyed the freedom and ability to move around, I noticed an almost immediate improvement in two students, in particular. When I first posted the project, I, myself, wasn't even exactly sure that the stools would be effective, but I was wrong. The vast majority of digging in their desks or backpacks, picking at the tape on their name tag, playing with pencils or their clothing, etc. diminished and happened less frequently. It was mind-blowing! We really appreciate your support and can't thank you enough for opening up new avenues of learning for all of the students, especially the kinesthetic learners whose academics are enhanced when they are allowed to move freely while staying seated. Thank you!!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 6 other donors.Kickin' It With New Soccer Equipment
Funded Feb 8, 2019I want to thank you for your donations and belief in our youth's future. It's exciting for me to see that our district has shown interest in incorporating more sports into the elementary educational system. However, they are not supporting the soccer program, so teachers and schools must raise that money themselves.
Sports teach foundational socialization and leadership skills that are essential to their development. In my experience, the work ethic and desire to succeed on the field always translates into more focus and dedication in the classroom as well. I always encourage my students to continue learning, growing, and improving their skills, so I decided to follow my own advice. Last year, I took the leap and began coaching competitive soccer and am now ready to incorporate those drills and techniques into our school's soccer program. We came in second place in the indoor soccer league last year and are ready to improve with the resources your graciously donated to our team. Next year, we will be more than prepared to face whatever challenges come our way.
Although sports are often overshadowed by curriculum and test scores, success on the field can be the catalyst that ignites a desire to make sound decisions regarding behavior (at home and school), succeed academically, and lead to more lofty goals in the future as well. Your ability to just "believe" in this cause is exactly what drives me to continue my 17 year mission to keep sports alive in education.
My players always look forward to the sports seasons beginning and tell me they enjoy participating in sports because they just want to be a "part of a something." The friendships and trust that are forged in each other during the course of the season creates life-long bonds and is amazing to observe. I offer you my deepest gratitude, appreciation, and humble thanks. Because of you, I am confident they will grow up to be better citizens and hopefully, continue their educational journey until they step foot onto a college campus. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Tahara
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 12 other donors.