Past projects 2
Social Emotional Journaling
Funded Mar 24, 2023Read, Baby, Read
Funded Jul 29, 2021This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and one other donor.
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"Read, Baby, Read" is a reading initiative to get our scholars to not only develop the love for reading but also the skills to better comprehend what they're reading. Throughout the year, my scholars will be learning how to "gist" as they read, which is essentially a skill that allow students to annotate while reading and developing a deeper understanding of high-level texts. All of my scholars are entering the school year on different reading levels due to the setbacks of being virtual for a year and half. My goal is for all my students to improve their reading comprehension and show progression in their reading levels. The need and use of the sticky/post-it notes is a part of the "gist" strategy that my scholars will be learning on Day 1 and continuing to practice throughout the school year.