For the Love of Reading!

Funded Sep 7, 2021

First, I would like to say THANK YOU so much for your generous donation. My students were so incredibly excited to receive the boxes of books and immediately began reading. There are many skills throughout different subject materials as well as life lessons that can be taught through reading and books. Students focus on reading to learn as well as growth mindset using the books they received. Some books are used as whole class read alouds where we can discuss specific topics such as goal setting, kindness, empowerment, treating others with respect, and responsibility just to name a few. Other books have been used as a learning tool to guide reading with fiction, nonfiction, specific skills such as text and graphic features, literary elements, and informational text. These books have been used so much already and we are only half way through the school year!

Reading is a way of life here in my third grade classroom. Each morning we begin with thirty minutes of silent sustained reading. Not only does this allow us to begin our day with a great mindset but it allows us to escape whatever we may be facing on a daily basis before we even arrive at school! We are building our reading stamina daily and focusing on books of interest as well as books we are able to read to learn from. Some of us read for entertainment and others read to learn factual information. Reading takes place in all subjects throughout the day including math and science! We have a love of reading and it is definitely showcased in the classroom. Students are also able to check out books from the classroom library to take home and read if they don't have books at home. Your donation has been a tremendous help with this!

I have some lower readers in my class as well as students who sometimes struggle at home. These particular students have loved the books that were donated. They especially found a love of reading with graphic novels. Some students have a hard time finding books they are interested in and the variety of books I received with your donations has helped tremendously by introducing them to a variety of books to choose from.

Overall, my students have shown growth in their love of reading and we are all very grateful for your donation and love of reading!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Hickman