Past projects 1
Inspiring Independent Work Areas
Funded Feb 17, 2022
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My students crave independent work areas with comfortable seating. When given the choice, they will choose to sit on bean bags or on the carpet. Research indicates, when students are more comfortable, they are more successful overall. Currently, I only have enough comfortable areas for less than 10 of my students. I would like to be able to provide all of my students with a variety of seating options to help them reach optimal success at school! The students in my classroom have various sensory needs. Our school has one to one technology, however few students have been able to bring headphones. The noise from all the computers going at once during independent time is off-putting to several of my students. Providing headphones for all students would help to foster a welcoming work environment. If funded, students will be able to choose from a variety of work stations as well as ones that offer movement.