Past projects 1
Growing Student's Love for Music Through Instruments and Dance!
Funded Jul 2, 2021
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As a traveling teacher, my music budget is stretched thin. I would love to be able to expand my music instrument collection to include different cultures' instruments, but haven't been able to do so. With these buckets and sticks my 3rd grade music students will dive deep into the culture of Japan and will learn about the drumming technique called Taiko. This technique will help to refine my students rhythmic abilities as well as their performance confidence. With the Mbiras, my 5th graders will continue their knowledge of Treble Clef notes and expand their ability to compose music themselves. This instrument, unlike others often used in the elementary music classroom, sounds so beautiful before much technique is learned which will help grow my students performance confidence. Lastly, the scarves will be used as a dancing warm up for my pre-k through 4th grade students. This will help them combine a physical movement with the Italian musical terms we use throughout the year to encourage better memory! When listening to a slow, soft, legato song, we will make smaller, slower, smoother movements. When listening to a fast, staccato song, we will make quick separated motions. These materials would not only broaden the knowledge my music students receive each week when they come to class, but would more importantly grow their love of music.