Past projects 2
So Many Wiggles, So Little Wobble Chairs
Funded Dec 1, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 6 other donors.Graphic Novels: A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words!
Funded Jul 14, 2021
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This past year was my first year of teaching. As you can imagine, it was pretty tough. More than half of the year was spent teaching through Zoom. My students lacked supplies but especially lacked books to read in their free time. When they were finally in the classroom, they still did not have access to books to read on their own because I did not have the resources to build a classroom library. As the school year came to a close, I was lucky enough to inherit many books from peers who were retiring or switching grades. The books I inherited are mostly chapter books with very little visual aids. While I have some students that can access these texts, many of students struggle to understand. This is the reason for this project. Having a library of grade level and age appropriate graphic novels will make literature more accessible to my English learners. Because my students are learning English while also learning the curriculum, they are often reading below grade level. This often discourages them from reading for pleasure because there are not a lot of books on their reading level that are meant for their age/grade (8-10/4th grade). I have very high expectations for my students and my goal for them this year (and subsequent years) is for them to build their independent reading stamina. Graphic novels have built in supports for ELs that make following a story easier. My hope is that as their reading comprehension builds throughout the year, they will choose the more challenging books in my library and enjoy reading for pleasure.