For the Love of Reading: Within the Walls and Beyond

Funded Aug 12, 2021

I wish I could have taken a snapshot of the moment my 43 students saw their brand new indoor and outdoor reading/library loungers! The "ooh"s and "ahh"s will forever be one of my favorite moments as a teacher.

As I told them the intended purpose of the (quite large - 6 feet) foam bean bag and outdoor compact chairs, they lit up with excitement. We have used the various loungers inside and outside of the classroom since the day they showed up!

My students love going to the library station and lounging out to dig into their books. Our Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) time is spent with students spread everywhere in lawn chairs on the grass, under the gazebo, in the classroom, and on the sidewalks.

Watching them enjoy reading in an inviting and comfortable atmosphere warms my teacher heart.

I truly appreciate your generosity as much as my students love using their loungers.

You are truly making a difference for these students.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Smith