Funded May 9, 2023Thank you so much for donating your hard-earned money to my classroom project. With your donation, we were able to purchase 20 pairs of headphones, a classroom set.
My school is in a high-poverty area, therefore not all of my students come in with needed supplies, like headphones. Currently, seven of my students use the headphones twice daily, since they were unable to bring their own headphones. As the school year goes on, that number will increase as headphones break and families are unable to replace them.
We need our headphones. All of our required testing is in an app on the Chromebooks and requires the children to listen to instructions in order to complete it. First graders are learning sounds and how to blend them together. They use the headphones is our learning apps that practice sounds daily, as I take small groups of children for extra instruction.
We appreciate you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Dantoin