Past projects 1
Literacy Rich Classroom
Funded Jul 14, 2021
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The items I am requesting for my classroom are needed to ensure equitable learning for my students. My district does not have the funds to print materials in color, but it is needed for students to fully comprehend the content being taught. Our ELA and Math lessons have a printable for almost every lesson that needs to be printed in color. As of now I either have to print them in black and white or color them all in by hand. This would ensure that my students are getting the full learning experience while also saving me time for other things to enhance their learning. We are moving to become a literacy-rich classroom which would include a writing nook where students can go and practice expressing themselves through writing. Having a place where they can go and feel comfortable writing is important for students, staying at their desks all day is extremely hard for them to do. The printer will also help with this as well because I can print out illustrations to give my students inspiration on what they can write about. Adding details is one thing we really emphasize in pre-k to make their writing more readable and authentic and having examples with this to look at is crucial.