Past projects 1
A Book for Every Reader!
Funded Jul 30, 2021I am incredibly grateful for your kind donation to my classroom. These books bring joy to learning and to reading. They are accessible to a wide range of readers, and have taught us some valuable lessons. During the first week of school, we read "All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold. This book brought my students together, as a class. With most students being alone in their virtual schooling the last year and a half, I wanted to ensure that all my students knew that they were celebrated, welcome, and safe in our classroom- no matter what. We have also started using the nonfiction readers more often lately, as we are jumping into our nonfiction unit in language arts. These texts not only teach about nature, but about nonfiction text features, and how to analyze information.
We appreciate everything you have done to bring more opportunities for impactful learning into our classroom environment.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hoyt