Books That Teach More Than Just Reading!

Funded Jun 3, 2021

I cannot thank you enough for you kind generosity that has graced our 2nd grade classroom this fall! The year is just getting started and all of these books have been put to use. As a class, we began the year reading several SPOT books to establish our class community. Our room is filled with a diverse group, those that come to school from a place they call home; ready to learn and engage with one another.

Our first classroom writing project was based on Our Class is a Family-it was a special project filled with diverse ideas on how we can make this year a success and welcoming to all. Students drew self portraits and wrote a wide variety of ways that we can show kindness to one another.

These books have also been placed in our classroom library and students have been reading them independently. While some can read them thoroughly, others make sense of the stories by reading the pictures, words they know, and reading with a friend.

I cannot thank you enough for your generosity! I feel so fortunate to share these wonderful stories with students daily, and I look forward to sharing in years to come.

Thank you so much!!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Samantha