Past projects 4
Setting Students Up For Success With Savvy Organizational Tools
Funded Sep 29, 2023As an educator, I think one of my duties to my students is to empower them to take accountability for their learning so they can be an integral part of their own success. I believe this needs to start at the early childhood level so that you can begin to instill the importance of being active participant in your own learning journey. The new resources we acquired through this project have been instrumental in creating a classroom community in which students are empowered to set themselves up for success even before any content is presented to them.
I have a couple students in my class who struggle to keep their materials organized and one of these students also struggles with self- regulation. Prior to introducing the desk organizational caddies and the folders, he would often have a meltdown when he could not find what was needed to start his day or participate in a lesson/activity. These organizational tools have made a world of difference for this child. He feels "in control" when it comes to having what he needs to start his day off on the right foot. The desk caddies and folders have been instrumental in keeping all my students organized and allowing us to smoothly transition from one activity to the next. In addition to the desk caddies, the 5 slot file organizer has given the chrome books we use for center time a safe place to be stored and the students have done an awesome job using this tool. The library bags allow me to provide a better way for students to transport classroom books to and from school. The bags are rugged and this ensures the books will last for years and years to come. The students love the colorful bags and this has led to an increase in student interest in the classroom library, which has been absolutely wonderful!
When the students first saw the desk organizers with brand new post it notes, they thought they were AMAZING! The color of the organizers ( blue) is absolutely perfect as our classroom theme is yellow and blue. I am able to place the nametags in the caddy and this is the first year that ALL the nametags have remained in one piece and still look like new. The plastic folders have helped all my students organize their visual aids and as a result they can utilize them when needed throughout the day. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there has been a significant increase in student participation when it comes to completing morning tasks due to the fact that they now have what they need ready to go each morning. They are excited to use their new tools.
Since receiving these resources, my students and I have begun working together to create a classroom community bin/area where extra supplies are available to each student whenever they need them. I encourage students to check their supplies in the morning as part of their morning routine and they have done an amazing job at this. Classmates even help each other by replenishing sticky notes or a pencil when they notice a neighbor is missing this supply. These tools have most definitely strengthened out classroom community which has been truly priceless.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Montville
Total Participation: Setting ALL Students Up For Success!
Funded Jan 1, 2023The tools/resources we received have been a FANTASTIC addition to our classroom. They have truly increased the overall level of participation and the students love using the new learning tools and beg me to incorporate them into our lessons. I created a Total Participation Toolbox with the whiteboard paddles and dry erase markers. I cut up pieces of felt to create colorful white board erasers. We use this toolbox on a daily basis for warm-ups as well as exit tickets. I absolutely love how it creates an opportunity for ALL students to participate and gives me immediate feedback as to their level of mastery. I use the large dry erase circles at my small table whenever I take a small group. The students absolutely love how colorful they are and are mesmerized by the fact that they can write on the circles as well as erase. Students are genuinely excited to be assigned 'teacher time" during our intervention block because they know we will be using the dry erase spots. This material been a great way to get total engagement during my small group lessons. In addition, it is once again a fantastic formative assessment and allows me to obtain value data about my students' level of understanding.
In addition to the dry erase paddles, markers and dry erase table spots, I also received super fun buzzers that light up and make sounds. These have been a TOTAL HIT on fun Fridays when we use them to play math fact/spelling/comprehension games. It is wonderful having a multitude of buzzers so that many students can use them at once during a game. I have also been able to create small group games in which the students can use the buzzers in their small group. They feel very empowered and I find the buzzers make the games even more fun and engaging. My students were so excited when I added these resources to our weekly routines and they have without a doubt reinvigorated the students level of interest in lessons/activities I teach.
Our fun Friday's are definitely a bit louder and a lot more fun!
My district has asked all educators to embrace the concept of Total Participation Techniques. The purpose of this initiative is to promote a higher level of engagement across the boards with students in the general classroom. These tools are just the beginning for me as I continue to transform my classroom into a more student centered environment in which all students are encouraged to participate and are provided the tools in which to do so.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Montville
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 5 other donors.Home Sweet Home: Taking Pride In Our Classroom
Funded Nov 26, 2022Since receiving the resources for the "Home Sweet Home" project, my students have truly stepped up their game and have begun to work as a unified team to make our classroom a clean/safe place for learning. We use these resources on a daily basis and it has had a significant impact on both the cleanliness of the classroom and the state of our classroom community. The students love to be chosen to "clean" and look for opportunities to use the materials. The cleaning tools have really made cleaning a desired task for all the students in my room and I have been so impressed with the thorough job they do when given the chance! In addition to using the tools for daily clean up, we have now instituted "Deep Clean Fridays". Every Friday we deep clean ours desks and chairs and any shared surfaces. The students love donning gloves and getting to clean their own desk and chair. It's been a great addition to our routine and I truly think it has impacted the health of the students in a positive way as we have had a decline in absences for colds.
The students were completely enthralled with the materials and were super excited to hear that they were going to be the ones responsible for using these resources to keep our room clean and organized. Many of my students had never used a vacuum or duster at home and thought it was so cool to have this responsibility. The vacuum is perfect for the classroom as it is user friendly and easy for the students to maneuver around the room. The dusters are also so convenient and easy to use. The materials empower the students to execute jobs typically done by the adults in the school setting. They absolutely love this added level of responsibility and it has helped them see the impact they can have on our classroom environment.
This project has been a great addition to the ongoing character development we are working on in the classroom. We talk on a daily basis about the importance of being responsible and what that looks like for a second grader. We discuss why it is so important to develop this character trait now in order to set themselves up for success in the future. Teaching students to be responsible for their materials/work space/classroom home is a great way to instill this essential character trait during the early childhood phase of their educational journey. These resources/tools helped me bring this project to life and have provided a springboard for me to continue to empower students to be accountable for themselves and their learning experience.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Montville
The P3 Club: Puppets Promoting Positivity
Funded May 7, 2021It is with great pleasure that I can tell you I was finally able to launch my P3 club this Spring. Students in grades 2-4 were invited to sign up for a Drama Club including puppetry (P3) as part of my school's Spring Club Initiative. It was originally thought that the Drama Club could be launched in the Fall or early Winter, but the prospective dates were pushed back several times due to pandemic restrictions and rising Covid-19 numbers in my district. The response to the club has been overwhelming, requiring my colleague and I to create a waiting list. Our elementary school has never offered a drama club, never mind a club that offers an opportunity to use puppets as means of performance art. The prospect has both students and staff intrigued and excited.
When the students in the club were first introduced to the puppets they were absolutely over the moon. They especially loved the fact that the puppets looked just like them! The room was buzzing as the students picked up each puppet and examined the details ( hair, clothes, etc.) My favorite moment to date happened during our first meeting when the students were invited to explore freely with the puppets. Observing the ways in which the students created their very own impromptu scenes and conversations without much direction while using the puppet(s) as their medium was incredible to see. I knew at that moment that the sky is the limit for this club and that the possibilities are endless in terms of the directions I can go to make it absolutely amazing!
Our initial club session ran for 6 weeks. At the culmination of the 6 weeks, the students performed in a showcase for families and staff. They did an exceptional job despite a very quick turn-around from start to finish. My colleague and I were so impressed with the students ability to develop their characters and memorize their lines. Our students' families adored the showcase and it proved to be a great way to make a home/school connection. Due to the popularity of the club, we will be offering another session that will run until the end of the school year. It is our hope that the students that were wait-listed will now have an opportunity to participate.
Upon much reflection, my colleague and I have decided that we would like to develop the club further in a way in which more students can be involved. At this time our student cap is 16 students. We would also like to consider altering the duration of the club from 6 weeks to 12-15 weeks with a culminating performance on the final week. We envision that we could run the club 2x per school year (Fall session /Spring session). I am so excited to say that I have also begun networking with a puppeteer who is willing to come into the school and offer a workshop in which students can learn all about puppetry from an expert. Finally, it is also our hope that with additional staff on board next year, we will be able to film our performances and post them on a club youtube channel to share across the school. It has been such a joy to see how well received this concept has been. It has truly surpassed my hopes and expectations and I am so excited to see where this journey takes the students and I in the future!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Montville
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 2 other donors.