Past projects 1
Ms. Greer & the Math Stars!
Funded Apr 1, 2021This past academic school year, my scholars came into my classroom at Level 1 and Level 2 in Algebra 1. By using a variety of learning materials, enthusiasm, and dedication to my scholars' growth, we grew from 5.9 % in all Algebra 1 classrooms to 57% proficiency. Wait, there is more. Scholars that entered the program in the Bottom 25% and Low Performing Student category increased proficiency from 28.3% to 117.1%, which is the highest growth ever for our department. Despite being diagnosed with Breast Cancer during the second semester of the 2021-2022 school year, I never missed a day of work and completed all treatments and medical appointments around my work schedule. My dedication to my scholars allowed our Algebra 1 department to receive 265/300 allowed points on the school ranking model.
I apologize, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Pam Greer, a 3rd-year Algebra 1 instructor at Jim Hill High School in Jackson, Mississippi. I joined JHHS to be a part of the positive change in the community. I believe in my scholars. I am dedicated to their success and want to be a part of greatness. The items on my Donors Choose will help increase my classroom performance through every Common Assessment, Benchmark exam, Mid-term, Final Exam, and State exam. I am currently featured on the back of the Math Nation textbook for my exceptional work in Mississippi. I am also the leader of growth and proficiency in Algebra 1. Your donation to my classroom will not be in vain. Thank you in advance for the blessings you are giving to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Greer
This classroom project was brought to life by T-Mobile and 2 other donors.