Past projects 2
Party in the Music Room!
Funded Oct 9, 2021Over the course of the year, students have worked incredibly hard to readjust to full in-person learning and to continue making music as individual musicians and a creative community.
To encourage focus and reward students' successes, I have been giving each class an opportunity to work towards a Karaoke Party. For each music period that a class focuses on their work and follows directions, they earn a ticket. After 5 tickets, the class has a music period to spend creating digital music on the computers and singing karaoke with their friends. These Karaoke Parties are possible because of your generous donation.
Students have been using their new karaoke machine to connect with each other through music and flex their performance muscles. They now have something tangible to work towards and yet another fantastic way to create music as a community!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Neprud
Scrubbed and Ready to Share!
Funded Mar 30, 2021Your generous contributions to my classroom allowed my students to create and participate in music in a hands-on way, as well as allowing them to step up and take on leadership roles. Because we had cleaning supplies at the ready, my students and I were able to keep the instruments and shared chairs free of regular daily grime and the more insidious COVID germs. This allowed students to use the instruments, giving them opportunities to play, compose, and collaborate with their peers. Many students chose to get more involved in our little music community by offering to help clean and collect instruments, allowing them to take more ownership over their learning and their resources.
When I first told students that we would be receiving cleaning supplies so we could play instruments, their faces lit up. They had spent the school year bouncing between in-person socially-distanced learning and remote learning, and music had been anything but musical due to COVID restrictions. Being able to physically create sounds and music was the boost many, including myself, needed to finish the year. My students were even more impressed that kind strangers had contributed their own resources so we could have the opportunity to play, and to you they say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Fortunately, when the year ended I found that I still had some cleaning supplies left over. While it appears as if we are on the other side of the pandemic, there is still some uncertainty and having the means to keep instruments clean and sanitary will bring some much-needed security into the mix. This coming year, I will be back in my own room with my entire fleet of instruments at my disposal, and these cleaning supplies will continue to ensure that my students will be able to keep making music and engaging with each other to learn lasting lessons during their time in elementary school.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Neprud
This classroom project was brought to life by Stahl Family Fund and 2 other donors.