Past projects 1
A Diverse Classroom Library
Funded Sep 17, 2021
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I'm a first year teacher trying to build my classroom library. As we know, books can get expensive and used bookstores are far and few between. I compiled this list of books with two goals - to spark an interest in students with high-interest titles and to choose books that reflect the diversity of our student population. There is ample research to support the fact that students learn best when they are able to connect the material to their own experiences, ideas and understanding. This is why it was crucial for me to select books that represent the backgrounds and cultures of the students that will be in my classroom each day. In my classroom, I plan to encourage independent reading and by giving students the power to choose what book they select, I can foster a love of reading that may not have been there before. Through these titles, I want students to be able to dive into diverse perspectives and connect with the stories between the pages.