Reading Books in Spanish Speeds Learners Toward Proficiency!

Funded May 27, 2021

Thank you so much for donating to my class library!!

We had an amazing journey through Ecuador in 5th and 6th grade reading El Capybara Con Botas, the story of a capybara who is born different - his feet are not webbed as normal capybaras' are. Carlos meets new friends and manages to save the rainforest where his family lives through courage and persistence.

Reading books like this allows Spanish teachers like me to teach science, geography, social emotional learning, and of course, the Spanish language! My students and I learned about the water cycle and the geography of Ecuador as we practiced high-frequency Spanish vocabulary and learned new words. I learned that cerbatana means blow dart gun!

With these students we typically did group read alouds or small group or paired read alouds. Some more advanced students were able to read independently. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read with my students!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Mehlin