Social Emotional Books Support Bright Futures!

Funded Mar 16, 2021

Thank you very much for you generous donation, and commitment to better our students social emotional well being. The books that you donated not only helped students last year, but supported them coming in this year. As we all know, the impact of COVID-19 has affected us all, especially our students. These books provided them with connection and compassion during these hard transition times.

In order to teach with these gifts that you provided our students, I first gave all teachers grades 1-3 at Porter Traditional School there own set of books. I also emphasized how important social emotional learning, what it is, and how to use it in our classrooms. These books are so special since they meet many of students current needs. Coming back to school, has been a challenge for many, and these books fit students struggles concerning grief, technology use, and worry.

In my classroom, and the many others that received these books, reading looks like students working together and diving into these books. Many times, teachers and

school counselors used these books as read alouds, to address need in their classrooms and promote classroom community.

Students who have struggled during COVID-19, students who have lost a family member, have been displaced, and have felt alone especially enjoyed reading these books. The books touched students with unique needs, and made them feel connected and less alone. Thank you very much for giving them that opportunity!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Festa