Past projects 6
Lonely Light Table Needs Learning Materials!
Funded Nov 29, 2022Thank you again so much for your donations! We had lots of fun opening the box and taking out all of the items one by one. The kids had so much fun being part of the process. Since it was so close to Thanksgiving and we had already talked a lot about giving to others and helping others, I took this opportunity to explain what a donor is, and why YOU donated the materials to OUR classroom. I had one parent tell me the next day that her son told her about all the new "toys" and he actually used the word donor! I call that a win!
So again, thank you so much for these materials that will help my students practice their numeracy skills, sorting skills, patterning skills and much much more! YOU make a difference and I thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 5 other donors.Light up Their Education!
Funded Sep 7, 2022Thank you SO much for supporting the students in my classroom. The light table has been such a wonderful addition to our learning centers. The students love to use the light table for fun math activities such as counting, sorting and making patterns. They use translucent peg boards, letters and numbers, manipulatives, sorting/patterning trays as well as shapes to expand their math and pre-reading and pre-writing skills. It's such a fun way to learn and the students enjoys seeing all the bright colors and how they can change when they are used together. It's amazing to see all the different ways they use the light table for learning! We've had fun borrowing materials from another classroom!
Thank you again for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
This classroom project was brought to life by Valhalla Foundation and 7 other donors.It's "Bin" neat!
Funded May 13, 2021I'm sending you all a big thank you again for donating so generously to my classroom! These bins have helped my students to keep their materials organized. They can keep all of their materials in the bin and still be able to utilize flexible seating options around the classroom. They are lightweight and easy to carry and have worked out really well!
Each child also works on developing their independence skills. Being responsible for their own materials helps to foster self-reliance, allowing them to feel they have control over their life. It also helps them to develop other vital qualities such as self-help skills, cooperation, self-discipline and self-trust.
Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
All Hands-On Deck!
Funded Apr 12, 2021The students were SO excited to open the box filled with all new materials! You would have thought that they won the lottery! Aside from the excitement about new materials, we have really been focusing on the word "donor" and what that means.
We have had wonderful discussions about giving and paying it forward. Everything is a learning experience!
My students are really enjoying the double-sided magnetic letter tiles. Magnets are always a hit with kids and these allow my students to sequence the alphabet in a fun way and practice spelling their names. These, along with the jumbo lacing letters and the alphabet learning locks also help my students to simply recognize upper and lower case letters and practice letter-sound recognition in a fun way. The hands-on manipulatives not only help with alphabet knowledge but also help them to hone in on their fine motor skills, building hand strength and coordination to enhance their writing skills!
The number and alphabet rubbing plates are also a hit! They kids love the magic of watching what appears when they rub crayons on the paper. It's a magical surprise and they are SO proud of themselves!
Once again, I'd like to thank you for your generosity and support! It is people like you who help make a difference in the life of a child!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 2 other donors.Math Matters!
Funded Jan 18, 2021Thank you again for your donation to our classroom. The students are having so much fun with the magnet chips, using them as counters first and then picking them all up with the magnet wand! Thanks to your generosity they are learning to count with 1:1 correspondence in a new, fun way. They are sorting by color and counting with the nuts and bolts (and working on their fine motor skills at the same time.) The ice cream cone counters are a real hit! Who doesn't like to make ice cream cones! Each cone has a number on it and the students get to put that many scoops on it! These will be fun to use also in pretend play once social distancing ends. They really like to play ice cream shop! The number monkeys and connecting cubes are helping with numeracy skills also as they are counting while building and connecting. We play a game where we choose a monkey out of a bag and whatever the number is, they have to do that many motor movements such as jumps, claps, stomps and many silly things they make up!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
Learning About Diversity Through Play!
Funded Dec 1, 2020We had SO much fun opening up the boxes when they were delivered! One student asked if we would meet the nice people who sent us these toys! (Insert another Covid-19 safety discussion.) Each child was able to explore the new items as I opened the boxes right away. The joy on their faces was immeasurable!
Moving forward, the children will continue to use these materials during play (from 6 feet apart) as it is through play that they can develop an appreciation of similarities and differences in ways that connect directly to who they are and what they know about themselves. They will start to sort out " what is and what is not like me" and "what do the differences mean?"
With support from adults, play can provide an effective vehicle for working on a variety of concepts and skills, from understanding and celebrating diversity to practicing basic literacy and numeracy skills. These materials will help us in so many ways!
So again, I'd like to thank you for your generosity and support! It is people like you who help make a difference in the life of a child!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Crimble
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 10 other donors.