Past projects 3
Food for Spring Break
Funded Mar 25, 2022I can not thank you enough! Most of the food arrived before school let out in May. Our stucco kids were eager to help sort the food. They put it in bags for their peers in need of extra food and made sure students at our school were aware of the food. The smiles on the faces of the students who received the food was priceless. The food we picked was easy for elementary age students to prepare (if needed) or they could eat it straight out of the package.
I plan to do another project similar for our students that don't have much food once things slow down with the start of the new school year. Thank you so much for supporting this project. It's truly appreciated, especially when we have new students who tell me they have nothing to eat at all when they are home. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Paden
This classroom project was brought to life by Suddenlink.Food For Summer Break
Funded Jun 14, 2021Thank you so much for picking to donate to my school! Our StuCo students worked on putting all the food into bags for our students to take home. They were able to put together a lot of bags!
We were able to send food home before students left for Thanksgiving break. It was nice knowing that my students would have food to eat during this extended break. One of our teachers even brought bags to students who had been gone because they had to quarantine. Those students were so excited to receive some food they could make and snacks to eat.
I know my students were so grateful for this food. I know our StuCo students really enjoyed putting the food together in bags. I think we will try to do this again this year, because I have so many families in need. Thank you so much for contributing to this project. My students have truly been blessed by you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Paden
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares.Give Students Snacks/Food To Be Used On Extended Breaks
Funded Nov 9, 2020I can't think you enough for helping give food to my students in need! Originally I wanted to give them care packages during our Christmas break. Prior to that break I got Covid therefor I wasn't able to send anything home with them.
The start of first semester I was able to fill up so many bags with items my students could make to eat themselves and snacks for them to have. I had several students walk by my room asking about the food and if they could have some. They we're excited to learn that they would get a bag to take home for spring break. Some students needed food when they saw it and I sent it home with them then.
The week prior to spring break I had teachers help me decide which students were at a greater need of needing food in their home. We distributed the food that week. All of the food went home with so many students. The students that received a bag of food/snacks were very appreciative and excited!
I'm thinking of doing another similar project, so students can take home care packages in May when they go on summer break.
I can't thank you enough for giving my students food to take home during our spring break!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Paden