Past projects 1
Reading Is Succeeding
Funded Oct 22, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and 3 other donors.
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"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." Mister Rogers Goals for this project are for students school-wide to participate in rich literary experiences that introduce and extend reading from the classroom, to the home, to the community at large by making sure all students have books at home to start a home library. Goal 1: Involving parents, significant adults, and volunteers to invest in the lives of early learners at our school Goal 2: Helping young learners understand the positive relationship between books/literature and their lives Goal 3: Developing print-rich environments that extend past the classroom into the living rooms and bedrooms of our young students Goal 4: Extending classroom learning of reading and the love of books to daily time slots focused on in school/out of school learning experiences As children associate with characters in stories and vicariously experience all these characters' lives, they are intrinsically empowered and given a sense of self control. When children are read to and/or read for themselves stories such as Little Chick, by Amy Hest, how can they not learn patience just as their little yellow friend who comes to life in these pages? It ALL begins to sound like their own life story. Or what about a child who is painfully shy? Learning to identify with Willow in the children's book Willow's Whispers by Lana Button is the perfect teaching tool to springboard discussions that can forever impact how a young child feels about him/herself. Students can learn about heroes of the Civil War Era and how they achieved despite critical challenges (ex. Sojourner Truth)