Past projects 1
Scientists In Training: Hands-On Learning
Funded Jan 28, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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Fifth graders come with a natural curiosity about their world. There are few better ways to capture their curiosity and engage them in learning, than with science equipment. Science is best taught using hands-on and experimental methods. With the resources requested in my project, students will get to not just learn about things like erosion from books but actually see erosion in action. They will get to manipulate building blocks to really understand molecules. They will get to be scientists. Learning online during COVID-19 limited my students' real science experiences. Now that we are back to work in the classroom, they deserve the tools that will allow them to experience science. More than ever, we need the equipment in schools that will engage our students and inspire their learning now and in the years to come.