Past projects 1
A Shed To Help Our Garden Grow
Funded Apr 30, 2018
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Our school garden has been growing with the help of our PreK-2 student gardeners! They have delighted in the planting of their own class garden beds that were built by Eagle Scouts over the past year. Teachers, students and parent volunteers planted, nurtured, harvested and dined on vegetables that they grew in these beds throughout this school year. The garden has been a wonderful outdoor classroom for our students, and being able to stock and store supplies in the garden would make our student’s experience so much more efficient and effective. We have struggled acquiring tools and supplies with no place to store them, and the ones we have been able to get, are difficult to maintain and find when we need them. When students come into the garden and supplies are missing, it is difficult for them to focus on making observations, participating in discussions and their garden tasks. Currently it is up to teachers and volunteers to supply their own tools and materials. A garden shed would allow us to start collecting supplies that we can all share. A garden shed would keep our supplies organized and close by so we can focus on the glory of our time outside in nature, in the garden!