Relevant & Engaging Books for ELD Students

Funded Aug 15, 2023

Thank you for sharing the joy of reading with my students. Truly, they are your students now as well, as your generosity has shown them that other people want them to be life-long readers as well.

Through this book, we learned how to connect, compare, and contrast our experiences with those of Julissa. We learned how to write comparatively, by using phrases, such as "although" and "similarly." We also learned how to identify and use various verb tenses, focusing on the correct pronunciation of regular past tense verbs, which can be tricky for English Learners.

Students read silently every day, then shared a summary of what they read to their group, followed by a class discussion on the key events in the memoir, along with connections, differences, and reflections. Students also identified new vocabulary and added words to their daily vocabulary log.

My students eagerly read Julissa's story, relating to various aspects of her journey. Genesis in particular loved reading this book, and would eagerly tell me when something surprising or sad happened in the memoir.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Carrillo