Funded Sep 30, 2020This Green Screen Technology you have so graciously funded for my students, will enable them to experience media production from many aspects. They are learning what behind the scene jobs there are and what they require. This one technology piece will open doors to creating film and many different educational presentations, producing video and short film, directing, and all the components needed. Not only will students experience the production aspect, but the writing components, interviewing, point of view filming, setting music to film, and working as a CREW. The value of what this technology brings to my students is endless.
I have students now that are taking an interest in this area of careers that never before were interested. They are experiencing instead of just reading about it. They are using their imagination and learning that the sky is not the is even higher. The students are so thrilled that everyday is a new adventure of learning that I will journey with them and learn beside them. This technology will support many students for many years to come. I am truly thankful for your kindness in supporting our educational endeavor.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Spiga