Past projects 5
Incubation Station for Our Little Learners
Funded Dec 5, 2024We were all so excited to start our hatching adventure right after unboxing our new incubator. It took us a few weeks but we finally found someone with fertilized eggs nearby and we were able to start the process on Monday February 10th! We are counting down the days along with learning about the lifecycle of the chick. We recently just candled the eggs to get an even closer look at what is happening on the inside. Each day the students enter the classroom they run over to the incubator to check on them. I have to remind them hourly that it takes 21 days of waiting which is really hard. :)
We are learning not only about what the egg needs to grow a baby chick inside but also what we will have to do when the chick comes out of the egg. There is so much responsibility that we are learning and practicing patience with anticipating hatching day! Thank you again for bringing a whole new level of hands on learning to our classroom. I can see this experience being something these students remember for the rest of their lives.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kristen
Giving Our Preschoolers Tools for Success!
Funded Dec 31, 2023When the package with our new materials arrived, we opened it as a class during circle time. Many made guesses on what was inside but when we opened it, they were so excited to find new materials for learning that they didn't even know existed. The kinetic sand went straight to our sensory table where the students explored with it right away during free time. The white boards were also used right away helping the students form letters using the top line, midline, and bottom line. The item they found most fascinating as most have not had any experience with was the new felt boards. We have used these by placing them on a nearby wall but we look forward to creating a new space specifically with these. The students are brainstorming and coming up with ideas of their own on how to use these such as during large group, free play making pictures, or even a mini class area where they can be the "teacher" themselves.
All the items received have been used throughout the day, every day. We are so extremely thankful for our new materials. The students have one more thing to look forward to when coming to school. These new items have reinforced creativity, exploration and fine motor skills. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kristen
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 9 other donors.Future World Changers
Funded Jun 30, 2023The start of any year is a learning curve as the students and teacher learn about each other and the new routines. Preschool, especially, is a big adjustment since for most this is their first school experience. The items received through donorschoose have been so beneficial to the start of the year and will be appreciated all year long. The flexible seating has been a great addition as young 4–5-year-olds do not like sitting still. This flexible seating has allowed them to listen better as well as giving them some variety of sitting that allows movement. One child in particular is physically not able to sit due to a bone disease and this allows him to still sit in our circle and feel included, just on a special seat where he doesn't have to struggle getting back up.
Students & families were thrilled at back-to-school night seeing all the new resources from the flexible seating to new fine motor bin toys where they can improve the skills necessary for writing, scissor cutting, and more! A favorite fine motor bin as been the building sticks that have allowed them to create anything from cars to robots. Another favorite defiantly is the flower garden creation. They impress me every week with the new growth they are gaining which only allows them to do more and more throughout the classroom.
Thank you so much for your generosity. We are looking forward to a fabulous rest of the year and watching our littlest learners grow in so many ways!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kristen
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 3 other donors.Here Comes the Next Picasso!
Funded Dec 15, 2022Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity! My preschool students were so excited to receive all the awesome Art supplies and drying rack. The students immediately started exploring with all the different types of art media, color mixing and gluing everything they could get their hands on. The new drying rack has never been completely empty since receiving it. The following week after receiving the art supplies the students had so much art work they came up with an idea to have an art show for their families! We are now in the process for planning that for May! The engagement from my students is amazing.
Thanks to your generosity my students have been exposed to Art in a new way. They have enjoyed creating Art during free time in the classroom as well as on Wednesdays when we come together to create as a group. I have seen them grow so much in their curiosity, confidence and new knowledge on how things work.
Thank you again for the amazing opportunity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kristen
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 14 other donors.Preschoolers Fish Tank
Funded Sep 16, 2020Thank you so much for making this project possible for my eager preschoolers. We received our project materials towards the beginning of November. The plan was to dig right in and submit our tadpole vouchers right away. Sadly, the weather changed here in Indiana not allowing our tadpoles to come through the mail as it is too cold. I was able to take a photo of our tank all set up that the students helped with. We were able to talk about the fish tank and why there are bubbles, filter and rocks as we discovered how to put it together reading the directions. We have learned so much already even without getting the tadpoles yet. They were in awe of the biorb aquarium and have learned so much already from your generosity. They were thrilled to know that so many people supported them and helped fund our project.
We currently have a countdown to springtime when we should hopefully receive our tadpoles. The students are already discussing what we should name them and what their predictions are on what their metamorphic stages look like. We are creating a class poster with everything we are discussing and building on it daily.
The students have also talked about what we may use the fish tank for until then and they have come up with earning points that will work toward the teacher, myself, buying some fish to place in there. They are earning points for kindness, taking turns, cleaning up, listening and so many more social and emotional goals we have. Our point goal is 100 and so far they are up to 60 so I for see getting fish in the next week or so. With this we will then do research on fish to learn more about how they breath under water, what they eat and how hey sleep. The students are also eager to add "fish feeder" to our jobs board.
Again, thank you so much for this opportunity and this new excitement in our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kristen
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and one other donor.