Making Art Work for Us

Funded Sep 18, 2020

Thank you so much for contributing to our classroom. So much has changed since first posting our project. The kids have been virtual only, part time virtual/part time in school and now full time face to face.

Because things have been so inconsistent we haven't been able to do things the way I had originally planned. Which is no surprise with the way things go in a school during a pandemic.

Being able to allow the students to take a break from their work and the world around them to get creative has been such a blessing. When the students first saw the materials they were quite confused until seeing the example I was able to complete before they came back into the classroom. We are planning on continuing to make the string art out of the remaining materials.

The next steps for our classes will be to hopefully get some bigger pieces of wood to work with. The little boards we started out with were good to practice on, but we definitely will need to expand out canvas sizes.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Kyle Sellers