Past projects 1
Help My Kindergartners Hear Their Teacher!
Funded Aug 25, 2020The headphones that your generous donations provided for my students have truly been a lifesaver! My students have been participating in a 100% virtual learning environment since school started September; I have never gotten to teach them in-person. These kindergarteners are some of the most enthusiastic learners I could ever hope to teach IF I am able to captivate and maintain their attention! I have been working diligently to provide lessons that are just as entertaining as all the potential distractions in their homes and daycares. By giving each child a pair of high quality headphones, my students are more likely to focus on me, and are not so easily sidetracked.
Each student received the headphones along with a "Welcome to Kindergarten" kit that included a cardboard study carrel (cubicle). Students and their families decorated their cubicles (or "oficinas") prior to school starting to ensure that they had a study space where they would be successful learners. We even had a family night on Zoom where students got to show off and present their oficinas to each other!
Several of my students have new babies in their families, and being able to wear the headphones has been a real game changer. They can still hear everything during our virtual lessons, even if the babies are crying in the background. I also have twins in my class who are able to work from the same dining room table. Because they both have these headphones, they don't hear the feedback from each other's computers!
Please know that your donation is truly making a difference every day in the lives of my students. I thank you so much for your kindness.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rich