Past projects 1
Help My Students Distance Learn Safely
Funded Aug 27, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by Marks Family Foundation and 7 other donors.
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Some of the manipulatives I have chosen will be used by my students while they are distance learning at home. I still want them to be able to use the tactile and kinestheic process while learning from home. All of the books would go toward our classroom library. I have only been able to purchase a few books and it is no where near enough to be called a library. Also, a lot of the supplies can be used individually and safely while we try to social distance in school. I work at a Title I school, so a lot of my students do not have the option to use STEM materials at home, so these materials will finally be able to give them a chance to familiarize themselves with that. I want my students to have the same opportunities that other students have in their classroom. I know they would enjoy utilizing these materials in class even if they can't use them in groups yet.