Past projects 2
Outdoor Learning for Students Recovering From Pandemic Isolation
Funded Apr 21, 2021This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods.History Through STEM
Funded Sep 5, 2020
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These materials will enhance the new inquiry based standards for social studies. Research shows that instruction across disciplines enriches skill development across all disciplines. These materials will give students the tools to find answers to their own inquiries about history through STEM investigations. Each of these materials will be vital in coordinating STEM investigations for each of the Ancient Civilizations studied in the new 6th grade curriculum. If this project is funded dry, flat, and boring social studies lessons will be HISTORY! As we study early humans students will use the magnifying glasses and brushes to complete an archeological dig. Students will use the pipe and marble set to build their own models of early irrigation systems associated with the Agricultural Revolution. When students study Mesopotamia they will use the clay to create their own Cuneiform tablets. While studying ancient Egypt students will visit the Great Pyramids and see history with their own eyes through the lenses of the Oculus VR headset. While studying early Americans students will carve their own totems out of soap. Students will play the ancient game of Mancala, just like their early African ancestors. Students will build aquaduct systems out of pipes and popsicle sticks while studying Greece. Students will reinact the early use of catapults from the Persian war. As they study Rome they will use foam to reconstruct the colosseum. Students will fashion Chinese boats out of aluminum foil and popsicle sticks. Students will construct their own Ancient Indian Stupta's and use rocks and twine to weatherproof them for Monsoon Season. These tools are vital in giving my incredible students the most enriching instruction. These students are capable of amazing things. I cannot wait to see what they will build and create as they learn about their past!