Funded Aug 11, 2020Remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic was not an easy task, especially when it came to teaching students with special needs. Traditional activities that were easy to complete with the students had to be rethought. While various computer programs offered great resources to help present new concepts to the students, the students struggled with managing too many of them.
Fortunately, generous donors helped to supply my students with hands-on resources that they were able to use in conjunction with live classroom teaching and supplemental online programs. Through Microsoft Teams, I could demonstrate new math concepts to the students, and they could see me working with the manipulatives. When it was their turn to practice, I could see them utilize the manipulatives to gauge their levels of understanding. It made distance learning seem a little bit closer.
Throughout the time of full-time remote learning, I was able to utilize the printer and folders to prepare materials for each student individually. Every Friday without fail, I organize the next week's lessons and drove them to each student's house. I would also collect that week's finished work. The students were able to stay organized with their learning.
Remote learning would definitely not have been as successful without your generous support. My students and I genuinely appreciate all of the donations made and they greatly contributed to the teaching and learning in our remote classrooms.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Kowalski