Past projects 1
Comfortable Classroom
Funded Aug 10, 2020
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While we are living in unique times, learning continues to be of the upmost importance. Due to the recent changes to our students' learning environment, I would like to help create a safe and comfortable space for students to learn while socially distancing in our classroom. All of the seating options desired can be cleaned easily and are versatile for all students to learn in a less restrictive environment. The lap desks will allow students to use their Chromebooks around the room more freely. They can also take notes and work on center-work more comfortably. The padded seats will allow students to turn any space around the classroom into a cozy sanctuary where they can grab a clipboard and focus on the task at hand. Last, the padded puzzle squares will provide the students a cushioned seating area that can be frequently wiped down. Each of these components will provide an exciting classroom where students will want to learn while feeling more safe. These resources will help the class set aside their worries and enter a safe haven, a home away from home.