Past projects 2
Webcams Help Us Get Closer!
Funded Aug 17, 2020Thank you so much for contributing to this project! With your generous donation, I was able to purchase a webcam to use during remote learning. By supporting this project, you helped me reach my students in a much clearer way. Much of our communication is done through physical gestures and facial expressions. The clarity of this web cam allows students to hear the enthusiasm in my voice, see the smile on my face and see the spark in my eye. By seeing and hearing me better, students remain engaged in learning. Furthermore, this web cam allows me to provide an engaging experience that helps keep students focused.
Building relationships and a sense of community are such important aspects of teaching. This is a huge challenge during this time of distance learning. However, the use of this web cam helped with the relationship building process by ensuring that my materials, as well as myself, were presented with the utmost clarity. Students learn best when they are engaged and when they feel a sense of community.
Teachers, students, and families are facing many obstacles with remote learning during this difficult and challenging time. Your support and contribution have made it possible to tackle the remote teaching challenges and make learning engaging, enjoyable and alleviate frustration! I am very grateful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cappelluti
Math Manipulatives-Make Math Fun!
Funded Aug 9, 2020Thank you so much for your contribution to this project! With your generous donation, I was able to purchase math manipulatives to put into a kit for each student to use during remote learning. By supporting this project you helped ensure my students received the same hands-on math experience that takes place in the classroom in their homes. These kits allow me to provide an engaging and interactive learning experience that is both fun and keeps them focused. Research has shown that using manipulatives in math helps make abstract ideas concrete. As students handle the manipulatives, they are able to construct physical models of abstract mathematical ideas. Manipulatives are an essential component of quality math instruction.
The kits have motivated my students to learn and built up their confidence in math by allowing them to test out and confirm their reasoning. I love seeing how excited they get when I tell them to take out their linking cubes, dry erase pockets, cards, dice, dominoes, or other items to use during math. These manipulatives allow students to participate in a variety of learning games, making math class so fun! In just the first few months of school, my students have already mastered their addition, subtraction, and other number skills thanks to the kits. As we embark on our second quarter of remote learning my students have all the supplies they need to continue to create exciting lessons!
Teachers, students, and families are facing many obstacles with remote learning during this difficult and challenging time. Your support and contribution have made it possible to tackle the remote teaching challenge and make learning engaging, enjoyable and alleviate frustration! I am very grateful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cappelluti
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and 6 other donors.