Now, my students not only rely on technology for education but for social interaction and connection with their peers as well. They miss spending time together, sharing stories about their days with one another, and learning new things about each other. One way I have tried to maintain this sense of connection for my students is through reading aloud. My students and I share a love for reading, so every week we choose a different book that I will read aloud to our class during our Zoom meetings. This read-aloud have sparked curious discussions amongst my students and it has been so enjoyable seeing their imaginations come to life during such a confusing time in their lives.
With the current climate of our world and country right now, I am reminded how great it is that my students get to listen to different voices through our read aloud, however, I have realized how much more powerful it would be if my students heard their own voices through the books we read and are surrounded by. They need to hear more of their own voices, see more of their own skin colors, and feel more themselves through the stories they read and are read to. This will allow them to not only learn more about their own cultures but about their classmates' unique backgrounds as well.
As their teacher, I want nothing more than to provide them with a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment where they each feel celebrated for their differences. Where they can pick up a book from our class library and within moments of turning the first page they feel seen, heard, and at home.
About my class
Now, my students not only rely on technology for education but for social interaction and connection with their peers as well. They miss spending time together, sharing stories about their days with one another, and learning new things about each other. One way I have tried to maintain this sense of connection for my students is through reading aloud. My students and I share a love for reading, so every week we choose a different book that I will read aloud to our class during our Zoom meetings. This read-aloud have sparked curious discussions amongst my students and it has been so enjoyable seeing their imaginations come to life during such a confusing time in their lives.
With the current climate of our world and country right now, I am reminded how great it is that my students get to listen to different voices through our read aloud, however, I have realized how much more powerful it would be if my students heard their own voices through the books we read and are surrounded by. They need to hear more of their own voices, see more of their own skin colors, and feel more themselves through the stories they read and are read to. This will allow them to not only learn more about their own cultures but about their classmates' unique backgrounds as well.
As their teacher, I want nothing more than to provide them with a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment where they each feel celebrated for their differences. Where they can pick up a book from our class library and within moments of turning the first page they feel seen, heard, and at home.
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