Enter a Different World -- Read!

Funded Jun 6, 2020

Our classroom has benefited already this year from these amazing books! My kids have made connections with the characters (Jabari being afraid to go off the high dive in Jabari Jumps). They have tracked character feelings while reading The Invisible Boy. They were reminded that there are always consequences for our actions, and it is important to always do the right thing and tell the truth (Ruthie and the Not So Teeny Tiny Lie). I cannot wait to see all the learning that will take place as we dive into the other texts.

In my classroom, students have access to fiction and nonfiction texts. We have a 90 minute reading block where the students are given time each day to read independently. During this time, they get to choose which book they would like to read. Reading is an adventure, and I want them to enjoy their magical journey. We start our reading block with a teacher led lesson using mentor texts. As previously stated, these books have lead to great conversations and meaningful lessons which will continue throughout the year.

All of the students are enjoying these texts. Third graders love read alouds. They cherish the time we have together each day and truly absorb what they are hearing in the texts. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting my students and my classroom. Because of you, we will continue to grow as readers with quality texts that allow the students to explore a variety of cultures and topics.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Edmondson