Past projects 2
Let's GLOW! An Art Celebration!
Funded Mar 30, 2024Let's Read About It!
Funded May 28, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 8 other donors.
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The 45 children's books in this project have been carefully chosen to support social-emotional learning in our classroom. Every month we will focus on a character trait during our Morning Meetings and closing circles. The 10 character traits include kindness, courage, respect, responsibility, creativity, perseverance, cooperation, gratitude, honesty, and empathy. Each month, students will be engaged in interactive read-alouds that support the character trait of the month. We will begin with courage and move towards kindness. I am excited to implement this project in my new classroom and I am confident that these books will help my students grow!