Past projects 1
Mrs. Sims - Growing Readers - Classroom Library
Funded Mar 3, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 2 other donors.
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I have chosen popular character book series box sets so that students in my classroom are able to read about and enjoy favorite characters across many storylines! I will make sure that students are able to focus on strong characters, whether they be animals, boys or girls, and determine favorable character traits. Students will also engage in each character's feelings and how those feelings change as characters encounter problems and work to solve them. By having students fall in love with characters, they will want to devour more and more books about favorite characters while growing as readers! I will also use these same character book series to teach a writing unit in which students will create their own character and write their own box set series! They will focus on such aspects as the main character, the supporting characters that are in every book, the book genre (mystery, strong girl character, pet rescue, etc) and the common pattern or problem and solution in each series. Their love of reading will translate into their ability to become character book series authors as well! I have also specifically chosen these particular character book series based on the reading level of students they are best designed for. In assessing the reading levels in my own classroom library, I discovered that I had fewest H-I levels. So I have focused this project on books within those levels, with some easier and some more difficult to reach the diverse readers in my classroom.