Mania for Manipulatives

Funded May 6, 2022

I have a 8 students in my classroom ranging from infants to 3 years old. They were very excited to get the Magna Tiles. They were able to use their fine motor skills in picking the Magna Tiles up and pulling them apart. Our set has bigger and smaller squares. Three different sized triangles. They used their creativity to make different things with the Magna Tiles.

We also received a bead stringing set. This set included strings and different colored and shapes of beads. The children were fascinated to work with the different beads figuring out how to put them onto the strings. Again, they used their fine motor skills with this.

We also received sets of pegs and peg boards. One set had numbers on the boards. We used these to count the pegs and push the pegs into the holes. And with all the materials we are learning colors, numbers, and shapes.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Odette