SF Big Brain Book Challenge Start-Up

Funded Jun 8, 2020

This project was started before Covid hit. There was obviously no way to foresee what this spring and summer would look like. When the funding came through we had already finished the spring semester. As delighted as I was to have the Big Brain Book Challenge funded, but I did have to regroup a little bit. I had intended to give students books on the last day of school to get them started reading in the summer. Instead we sent an email blast to the students asking them to choose which book they would like.

With the help of my map app in the car, my mask on my face, and hand sanitizer in the cup holder, I started filling orders. I didn't have as many responses as I had hoped for, so I posted a link on our school Facebook page as well. The students who respond are getting additional books for thank you notes written.

The responses from students and their parents have been predictably positive especially since the public libraries were even closed when the books arrived. "Thanks For the books!! I LOVE them so far" and "Thank you again for dropping off the book for Emily. She is excited to start reading it." are just some examples.

My goal was to reduce summer slide and keep our middle school students engaged in reading fiction. The number of participating students was less, but I believe the impact went beyond literacy. In the midst of this pandemic, I believe the books also helped to reduce the emotional toll this year has brought. Thank you so much for caring about, and supporting our students!”

With gratitude,

Ms. MacAvaney