Past projects 1
Be ARTistic
Funded Apr 19, 2024Most students, regardless of age or background, truly enjoy participating in art. It is no surprise that almost all my students are visual learners. Art captures their attention and keep them focused.
Art also provides several benefits to students. It is amazing to see the huge variety of skills that students can develop from simply participating in art. These skills are not only beneficial during early childhood education but are equally as important into the middle and high school years.
My kiddos who participate in art earlier in their education strengthen their focus skills. Students must focus on the "problem" at hand. Such as in visual art, that problem may be determining which art tools or materials will effectively create the picture that they have in their minds, and I will be forever grateful for you for providing the materials to allow my students to do just that; Express the creative side of themselves.
What I love the most about teaching art and having the materials to do so, is the intrinsic motivation it has on students. My students love to participate in art without any care as to whether they will be given recognition for their work. They just love to make art; any kind of art. Art is not considered "work" for most students. It is fun for them, and they just simply enjoy coloring their favorite Pokémon character or creating their own masterpiece using literally every art material they can find. Art is limitless! Students can create whatever their little heart's desire, letting their imagination run wild. I like to tell my students, "If you can see it, you can create it." From my monolinguals to the shiest little girl in my class, anyone can express themselves through art given the materials to do so. It is truly a beautiful thing to see!
Another thing I love most about Art is through the student creativity comes student confidence. There is no wrong way to do art. Students who fear getting that math problem wrong, or the student who struggles writing that perfect paragraph, in Art, they can express themselves openly in a safe environment and at the same time develop their interpersonal skills by sharing their artwork and enjoying the artwork of others.
I can truly say, after teaching 6th and 7th grade Language Arts for 15+ years and then teaching Visual Art the last two years, my art kiddos are more determined to see their artwork completed than their 5-paragraph essay. My kiddos are not happy when their artwork is interrupted by the bell. I always hear, "Art class went way too fast," and "Can I stay in at recess to finish my drawing?" It always makes my heart smile when I hear this.
So, thank you so much for donating the supplies my students needed this year to express their creative side and to try new things and become the little "Da Vinci's" I knew all of them could be. I just wish everyone could see when students are given the opportunity to participate in any Art activity in any classroom how it helps them stay focused, increases their engagement and significantly increases the overall excitement in the classroom. Again, with your donations, students have created amazing Surrealism drawings by the super Salvador Dali, you cannot help but fall in love with those long-legged elephants and melting clocks. And with all your donations their creativity exploded with their "Fantabulous and ARTrageous" Abstract Art creations. There are no words to express how grateful I am to you for giving something to my kiddos that means the world to them. So, thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Ollie
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 4 other donors.