Funded Aug 18, 2020Thank you for supporting my project at the beginning of the school year. When COVID 19 hit at the end of last year, education changed drastically. We relied heavily on the computer and computer programs to get us through the last two months of school.
Now fast forward to the beginning of this year and starting school remotely yet again! However, this time your class is new to you, never met in person and having to use computer programs that they are not familiar with. How was I going to meet their needs? In the beginning of Kindergarten, there is a lot of fine motor activities we do such as writing our names, the alphabet and numbers just to name a few. If we are working from home and on the computer, how would I accomplish these skills? Well, this is where your generosity came in.
With the help of Donors Choose, I was able to create learning at home with products that could work at home and school. Each student in my class received a pencil pouch filled with the necessities to practice fine motor skills, binders and folders with hands on activities and index cards with their sight words to practice at home. Thank you for making the start of the year special and meaningful for my students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gonzalez