Past projects 2
Literacy and Language
Funded Nov 18, 2020Using Green Screens in Virtual Speech Therapy!
Funded Sep 17, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and 8 other donors.
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After researching new and innovative ways to capture and maintain the attention of my preschool and elementary students during virtual therapy sessions, I came across the idea of using green screen technology! Even I was fascinated by the fun and engaging backgrounds and "magic" tricks that can be done when using a green screen in teletherapy. With the simple setup of a green felt background and felt story pieces, my students can work towards their speech and language goals by participating in story telling, answering WH questions, formulating descriptive sentences, and practicing their speech sounds. They can even practice oral motor skills virtually by "blowing bubbles" that will magically appear on their screen! The materials listed were chosen to begin my green screen project. Many of the accessories can also be used in live therapy sessions as my school district will be following a hybrid schedule that will incorporate both virtual and in-person therapy. The Teachers Pay Teachers gift cards will allow me to purchase digital backgrounds and matching printables to create various lessons. The gift cards will also be extremely helpful in buying materials for my upper elementary students who are working on other language skills such as reading comprehension, articulation, and social pragmatic skills.