Past projects 1
Passport to the World
Funded Jan 9, 2020
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We are a small, rural, Title I school in Idaho and really struggle financially to get all the programs we need. We do the best we can, but I want to do more. There is such a huge emphasis on literature and the students at our school are required to read many stories and novels in multiple classes. This is my biggest obstacle. My students cannot read the books that are required of them and we do not have the funds to purchase audio books. We try to find where people are reading the books on YouTube and we read some of the books out loud, but we have so much to do in Resource, we can't spend the whole class time reading. As a result, we do not keep up with the reading and my students don't know all the information they need. Worse than that, they hate reading. I want to give my students the opportunity to love reading! I want them to be able to get lost in a fall in love with a character, to travel to other places! I want my kids to cry, to laugh, and to love with the characters in a story. I believe that if we were able to get this subscription for audio books in my school, my students would not only have access to books they need for assignments, but they will have access to books that they could never read on their own! I want them to listen to the stories and start to enjoy literature again. Once I get that love back, I will start to emphasize checking out the hard copy so that they can read along with the story. I believe this will also help improve their reading.